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7 Steps to being a person of action

April 14, 2010

Ok, so you have a great idea.  Your business plan is finally ready.  You are ready to reach your goals of becoming successful.  Then BAM, 3 months go by and still little success.  I speak for myself when I write this because I have been guilty of this for a couple of years now.  I have a strong urge to succeed in my career and in life as a whole.  Anything I do I want to give 100% but it seems like something always comes up or gets in the way of that happening.  There’s always a game on, always a great dinner with friends to go to, or some other event that takes your focus off of what you need to do in order to win.  You can read, research, learn, and then practice all day long but at some point you have to get in the game.  Until recently I have always just dreamed of success but I am starting to see the positive results of going out and making things happen.  It’s funny, each time I actually dedicate my time and block out distractions I end up getting one step closer to where I want to be.  I want to share with you some steps that I have been using to help this happen for me.  These are all easy to follow and should be applied in all areas of life that you want to be better at. 

7 Steps to being a person of action

  1. Understand that life rewards assertive decision makers.
  2. Develop a sense of urgency.
  3. Focus (this is huge).
  4. Practice action.
  5. Take consistent steps to overcome fear in your mind.
  6. Hangout with fast, successful people. 
  7. Do not worry.  What’s the worst that could happen? 

Master these steps and you will take control of your life.  Remember , you gotta take a shot.

Make it Happen…….

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